The Office Opening Photo’s

The Office Opening Photo’s

Well we celebrated our 2 year anniversary last night and man was it a blast. I would like to thank the Santa Ana Seven for putting on a great show and for all the artists, curators and art fans who have supported the space over the last two years. Here’s to the next two!

As for last night….I’ll let the pictures do the talking (Nudity Warning):

Samostof_the_seven Most of the Seven w/Satyr (Jeff was missing in NYC)

Sacrowdshot Crowd Shot

Sacrowdshot2Crowd Shot

Saassshot  I see you baby…..shaking that ass….


Saladiessader Ladies love the Satyr

Samaking_toast Miracle toast in production

Satoastrack Can it be?!?!

Sajesus_toast Yes!! It is a miracle!! Jesus Toast!!!

Sawarholtoast Warhol Toast!!!

Sajiffypop Jiffy Pop anyone?

Satheseven The Seven once again.

OC Art Blog
  • Vvoi
    Posted at 11:52h, 23 April

    THe toaster is BRILLIANT! How can I get one?

  • Chris
    Posted at 15:58h, 24 April

    As a matter of fact they are for sale. Shoot me an email. They are very cool.