17 Nov Chiron Review Returns
Chiron Review has long been one of America’s most respected literary journals. After a brief hiatus, they have returned with a new 6 x 9, perfect-bound, softcover format, as well an e-book option supporting kindle, iBooks, Nook and most other readers and devices. In 1989 Gerald Locklin came on as poetry editor and Ray Zepeda as the fiction editor. Since then the magazine has showcased consistently raw, vibrant, often controversial writings from the likes of Charles Bukowski, William Safford, Marge Piercy, Edward Field, Albert Huffstickler, Lyn Lifshin, James Broughton, Sherman Alexie, Wanda Coleman, Charles Plymell, Jack Micheline and a host of others. For more about Chiron or to purchase the current issue/ subscriptions, please visit www.chironreview.com. Issue 97 is a special issue featuring frequent Chiron contributors from the last 30 years and a handful of beautiful photographs from Cari Ann Wayman.
Posted at 23:19h, 25 Septemberi like that thanks .