Still Collecting??

Still Collecting??

I haven’t done a "what I’ve been collecting" blog in awhile so here ya go. Earlier this year I decided to pretty much buy local. Although I picked up some small pieces from artists like Uta Barth, Vik Muniz & Tim Hawkinson most of my purchases have been from local artists who I think are doing great work. In the news these days you can’t go a week without seeing some new article on how HOT the art market is. Yes its true this market is red hot but most of that money isn’t making its way down to my artist friends. Is it making its way down to your artist friends? So the moral of the story is don’t forget the emerging artist (of any age) who is toiling away in their studio day in and day out, out of the limelight making great work. They need our love ( & money) too. Here are two examples of my most recent purchases:

Carrie1_1 Carrie Yury

Boxes Found Boxes by Wendy Moller

OC Art Blog
  • nowhereman
    Posted at 19:42h, 05 December

    Tim Hawkinson retro at the whitney ruled hard.

  • amy lou
    Posted at 06:34h, 17 January

    I heart Tim Hawkinson & Uta Barth….The Kiki smith show WAS AMAZING