OC Weekend

OC Weekend

This Saturday night is going to be busy, lots to see and do. Details follow:

Carrie_1 First stop should be The Office to catch Carrie Yury and Amandine Piomelli.

Tonydanza_copy Then you can head off to Santa Ana and probably start with Tony Danza Gallery. You can’t miss it. It’ll be across the street from OCCCA and Robbie Miller will be out front drinking a beer.

Occa Speaking of OCCCA. They’ll be opening the juried show Demise of Democracy. Sounds political.

Fashion_front_new Then you should probably walk over to Grand Central Art Center and catch the fashion show and Camille Rose Garcia will still be up.

Maisano3 While your still in SA be sure to head over to Space On Spurgeon and catch the opening for Patrick Maisano.


Then run up to SolArt and grab yourself a cup of joe and check the work by Guzmaro Fuentes.

Scribble_3 Then get back in your ride and head on back to the Village to do a little x-mas shopping at Scribble Theory’s holiday spectacular.

Ruby_osorio2 After you picked up a little something/something for your friendly local art blogger and had it wrapped it’s now time to head on down to the Real Laguna and catch Ruby Osorio at LAM.

Then after all that if you’re not too tired you can head on back to The Office and help me clean up. Keep it safe out there.

Openhouse_2 Oh! and I almost forgot. On Sunday come chill with some local art world people, my neighbors and my Mother-in-Law this Sunday as Finishing School throw an Open House.

OC Art Blog
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