
Tyler Green over at MAN posted about his favorite less considered museums and I'm happy to report OCMA was included. I would like to add one more for consideration. The Laguna Beach Art Museum is one of my favorites for a several reasons which include: 1. I'm a sucker for an underdog 2. Their doing great shows 3. Curator of Contemporary Art Tyler Stallings truly supports the local art scene by taking chances on OC based artists. I understand Tyler Green at MAN is a fan of Clyfford...

Had lunch in Laguna Beach today and while down I got a sneak peak at the Laguna Art Museum's next show While Pollock Was Sleeping: Bay Area Abstract Expressionism from The Blair Collection. Even though most of the work was still wrapped in plastic it looked great. I'm really looking forward to this show. I also dropped into Peter Blake Gallery and he had a really good show up featuring a couple of painters I wasn't familiar with, Jeff Peters and Geoffrey Kruger. If you...

Went to the OC Fair tonight to see X and The Plimsouls. Great show but on the way home my friend and I were trying to remember who said you can't go home again?? We felt it tonight. ...

I'm going to be in meeting hell for the next couple of days so I wanted to remind everybody that Three Blind Mice opens at The Office this Saturday night. It would be great to see you all. ...

Has anybody else noticed the growing class warfare tone that is starting to bubble up in the art world?? See recent posts by  Charlie Finch at Artnet and Jeff Jahn at Port. Maybe this is just the way patronage looks in our times...

They say drawing is a lost art What do you think? ...

Edward Winkleman of Plus Ultra has a nice post about pricing art over at his blog. I whole heartily agree with him. I often tell young artists it's more important to build a collector base by pricing their work appropriately rather than trying to get the prices they see some of their peers getting. In the long run I believe it will be a strategy that will serve them well. ...

Well, because it's a slow OC art news weekend and because I'm actually quite happy about it, I thought I'd let all know why posting has been a bit light this week. Last night my two partners in my real job and I were finalists in Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. It was quite the event and we had a lot of fun. It's not often you can get me in a tux, but this was worth it. Because I know at least...

Local Art Mag Coagula has put together a fine art forum called artMuscle. Looks like a board where you'll be able to go discuss the inner workings of the art world. Have Fun! ...

" In Today's art world, there is a large number of young artists receiving an extraordinary amount of attention and financial support compared to five ten years ago. There is a lot of criticism that this success is based on hype and that artists are overly ambitious, which I don't agree with." Janelle Reiring of Metro Pictures in The Art Dealers, written in 1984. "These days its not unusual for grad students to fret if a dealer hasn't picked them up yet, or for people still...

I'm happy to report that the dynamic duo BULL.MILETIC who were part of the first show at The Office are the current critic's pick in Artforum. I'm also happy to report that it looks like I'll be seeing them next week because they will be down installing for a show at the Pasadena Museum of Art. Way to go guys! ...

Caryn at ABLA thinks that OCMA should host an LA Now show: I was on the Orange County Museum of Art's website last week and noticed that their next Califorina Biennial is scheduled for October 2006. It got me thinking that perhaps this would be the chance we've been looking -- encourage an institution who already has an exhibition in place to step it up a notch. The OCMA has had particularly strong programming lately and something of an Los Angeles "right now" focused show would...

Suzanne Muchnic from the LA Times visits OCMA's new show Villa America: American Moderns, 1900–1950 and writes about it here. Hopefully will have an onsite report for you shortly. ...

You maybe remember me mentioning artist Zoe Strauss here. Well according to artnet she has been awarded one of the $50k Pew Fellowships. Way to go Zoe. ...

After a several weekends of doing everything but looking at art, Mrs. OC Art Blog and I made up for it this weekend. We put a few miles on the car traveling to LA on Saturday night to see the 50/50 show at Gallery 825 and the Eduardo Sarabia show at 4-F Gallery in Chinatown (the porcelain work is great). Then on Sunday we trekked down to San Diego to catch the Edward Burtynsky show at MOPA and the Retratos show at SDMA. Lots of...