I ran over to Chapman University's Guggenheim Gallery for the opening of New, Used, Borrowed. I promise I'll start bringing a camera other than the iPhone from here on out. I really enjoyed the curatorial concept around this show. I think the next thing they should do is invite OC collectors in to throw some of their faves on the walls. It would be interesting, in my opinion, to see what other OC folks are collecting and get some dialogue going around the subject. I'm...

Tonight I had a chance to make it to the Christine Nguyen show at the HB Art Center and it is a beauty. The show will be running for the next couple of months and I urge to get out there and take a look. It'll be one of the better shows you'll see in Orange County this year. Here are a few iPhone pics, so sorry about the quality. Enjoy: Me & Christine Ed Giardina McLean Fahnestock Marshall...

On Saturday night Pomona Arts District stalwart Bunny Gunner, will be celebrating their 3rd anniversary with All Ice Cream themed art, an Ice Cream Truck, Paletas, Music and Beer. The opening will run from 6 to 11pm and I'm sure lots of the art world will be there. Congrats Bunny Gunner! ...

The idea behind the exhibition New, Used, Borrowed, opening Saturday night at the Chapman University Guggenheim Gallery, is to show the role of the artist as more than “art maker” but also art collector and art admirer. Each artist has created a New work of art for this exhibition; each has included a work of art (or a grouping of artworks) they have purchased and Used in the context of their private life; and finally, each has Borrowed a work of art from an artist whose work they admire. Each grouping...

In three new exhibitions opening Sunday July 11 from 2-5pm, Angels Gate Cultural Center will be featuring photographic portraiture.  The three artists of these exhibitions range widely in subject, yet are brought together through their exploration of individuals that often go unseen - artists as workers, the human elements of the Los Angeles Superior Court system and members of the American military. Slobodan Dimitrov: Artist PortraitsIn 2006 the Angels Gate Cultural Center commissioned renown labor photographer and long-time AGCC Studio Artist to engage in an...

       Mike Stilkey, Untitled Installation of 4,400 books and paint   (photos by Alyssa Cordova )Artist Mike Stilkey, far rightSo-cal artist judges books by their covers     Good news!  In case you missed Costa Mesa’s )( Space Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, Reminiscent: Mike Stilkey, it has been reinstalled in the Hurley creative retail space in Laguna Beach just in time for their one year anniversary.                     Orange County active wear giant Hurley recently opened their new gallery in Costa Mesa, CA  to give art-thirsty Orange Countians refreshing monthly art shows curated by former Billy Shire...

    Meet Alyssa.  She grew up in Montana, lives in Long Beach and recently bought an artwork by SMASH.  She is the newest writer for the OC Art Blog.  Later this week we are going to Hurley’s new gallery to check out the Mike Stilkey exhibit and I am sure she will be reporting back with all the details.  Stay tuned….-Krystal ...

Earlier this year Laguna Art Museum presented a third installment of the OsCene, featuring a fresh collective of artists representing the arts in Orange County.  This summer Grand Central Art Center, in Santa Ana, is revisiting a past exhibition and asked 100 artists, once again, to see Satan.  More than a tribute to the ultimate villain, this time around, 100 Artists See Satan is organized as a fundraiser to raise money for the art center.  Over 100 artists contributed artwork-all for sale-to the exhibition.  Artists...

OC's finest turned out for 'Art Shack' at the Laguna Art Museum (LAM), guest curated by Greg Escalante.   Mr. OC Art Blog himself was unable to make the event, so he asked me to take his place.  He handed me a box with a wooden arrow screen printed with an invite to Hurley's SHACK ATTACK! exclusive event.  Hurley & LAM hosted a 'meet and greet' for the artists and VIPs,  225 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach.         The first of the evening's festivities began around 4pm...

TOHUBOHU! Extreme (and I might add IMPROV) Theater Ensemble invites OC's very own George Herms to participate with their monthly performance, as the first of a series of invitations to artists. I was lucky enough to catch the show Friday night (no pics allowed) and it was amazing. I was however accompanied by Tony Kay from the Ca'Tony art space in Westwood and managed to whip out the camera at the reception. Here's the scoop: Herms brought artworks as props to be utilized during the performance. The...

Please join us for An Evening Showcasing Women and ArtThursday,  May 27, 2010  11 p.m.  OR  6 p.m.A talk and discussion by lecturer CeCe Sloan on the remarkable philanthropist and patron of the arts Peggy Guggenheim.On exhibit: notable works by painter/poet Michael (Corinne) West,whose paintings Guggenheim admired.Philanthropist/art collector Peggy Guggenheim and painter/poet Michael (Corinne) West were key figures in the Abstract Expressionist movement in New York City after World War II. Female artists frequently adopted male noms des brosses in order to be taken seriously in the male-dominated art world; only recently...

For the first time in recent memory, artists that have strong Orange County roots will be participating in the 2010 California Biennial at OCMA. Finishing School has a long Orange County history and Carlee Fernandez is an alum of CSU Fullerton. (and both are in the Hoff collection!)Congrats to both the FS crew and Carlee. You deserve it!The rest of the artists the will be participating in the show that will run from Oct. 24 to March 13 are:David Adey, Agitprop, b.a.n.g. lab, Gil...

Elizabeth Turk Studio - OC  While on the hunt for inspiring sculpture at the Armory Show in NYC, I stumbled across an elegantly carved piece of marble, so delicate that it resembled ribbon.   It belonged to artist Elizabeth Turk.  Instantly that name rang a bell, as she had done an artist residency in our very own Grand Central Art Center, Downtown Santa Ana. AND that happens to be where I called home while in grad school. Go GCAC. The piece was astonishing.  That was when I set out to find her...

 Last week I zipped over to Orange Coast College (OCC) to see what local artist and professor Laurie Hassold was preparing for the upcoming show at the Laguna Art Museum entitled Art Shak.  The exhibition will run from June 13th to October 3rd, 2010 - opening night festivities will be Saturday June 12th, see the website for tickets.the 'bone cave' in progress above:  Laurie Hassold and student, OCC sculpture Lab Laurie teaches Beginning and Advanced Sculpture at OCC.  Her students were preparing for a group show...