In the 1960’s a woman was stabbed to death in front of an apartment building in Queens.  The crime was witnessed by tenants of the building, none of whom helped the woman.  It is this story that inspired Laurie Lipton to draw her triptych Watching. Two days after hearing Laurie Lipton repeat this story in conjunction with her artwork, I read about a homeless man, in Queens, was stabbed to death trying to help a woman attacked by her male companion: . Surveillance cameras...

my bulb finally bloomed, spring has officially sprung! ...

 image from the While I was reading this article from the OC Register I put my sandals on and made up my mind to walk to school to see this.  It was too late.  The 700 t-shirts, emblazoned with messages of horror, anger and hope from survivors of sexual violence had been taken down. This exhibit/installation called The Clothesline Project is organized by Community Service Programs Inc. Orange County to bring attention to victims of sexually violent crimes and coincides with Sexual Assault Awareness...

This is the first of a series of studio visits with OC artists, and occasionally non-OC artists. . .  but we won't hold it against them.In my constant quest to sniff-out art in the OC, I came across Mr. Dick Marconi.  Yup, that's right. . . the same guy from the Marconi Automotive Museum, which by the way has some amazing drool-worthy cars and if you have not gotten up to Tustin to check them out. . . put it on your calendar! (   When I...

In grad school I curated an exhibition with a woman who got married three weeks before the opening.   I remember a conversation we had in her car, on our way to a studio visit, where she told me her father asked if she was taking her husband’s name.  He was versed enough in the art business to know keeping maiden names, or hyphenating surnames, was a common professional practice for women; this helps to establish and maintain continuity throughout one’s career, linking previous successes with...

Longtime OC local Jeff Gillette's (aka Laurie Hassold's other half) show 'Dismayland' will be opening this Saturday at the CoproGallery in Santa Monica.  If you're in LA-LA land this weekend go check it out. Congrats Jeff!  -Joanna ...

Last month I made the journey to NYC to check out the Armory Show and all of the concurrent art shows, in addition to the big museum shows.  While there I visited the Independent, the Korean Art Show, Volta, Scope, Verge, Dutch Art Now and Pulse.  My favorite South African artist William Kentridge was in town to kick off his retrospective at the MOMA - NYC and the opera "The Nose" at the Met Opera house.  Yes, I did score one ticket at the last...

Hi everyone,  I am back from my travels (it's great to be back in the OC) and have lots to share. Some of you probably know what a huge supporter I am of female artists, so in honor of supporting my peeps I suggest you put this one in your calendar. . .   see you there! Michael Corinne WestIguana, 1964 Painting, oil on canvas 50"x35" Michael Corinne West: More than Gorky's Muse Art Resource Group presents premiere exhibition of Michael (Corrine) West, Gorky's fellow artist and confidante, to coincide with 'Arshile Gorky:...

The Box contemporary art gallery presents the work of artist Leigh Salgado. This collection of original mixed media work will open at the Costa Mesa gallery on Saturday March 20, 2010, from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM. The exhibition will run through Friday, April 30, 201The Box gallery and Leigh Salgado unveilth e diaphanous Spring with Paper Vernalia: The Sculptural Drawings of Leigh Salgado. Salgado’s sculptural drawings intimate the changing of the season with a fresh perspective in both the subjects and medium of her...

Yeah I'm a little slow on this one because of technical difficulties (I didn't pay my blog bill...

“Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.” “We never pay a cent until we see the final product.” “Do this for us and you’ll get great exposure! The jobs will just pour in!” On looking at sketches or concepts: “Well, we aren’t sure if we want to use you yet, but leave your material here so I can talk to my partner/investor/wife/clergy.” “Well, the job isn’t CANCELLED, just delayed. Keep the account open and we’ll continue in a month or two.” “Contract? We don’t...

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This Saturday night Rothick art haus opens a new show featuring artists Joshua Lawyer, Prince Parise and live painting by Jophen Stein. Music will be provided by DJ Old Boy. Opening starts at 7pm.  ...