Mrs. OC Art Blog and I celebrate 10 years of marriage tomorrow. We are headed to NYC for a few days then we are going to do a two week drive through New England enjoying the fall color. We'll be hitting art locales such as Dia and Mass MoCA so expect some east coast updates. Maybe..(pic is from our wedding) ...

Took me a bit to get this up but a couple of weeks ago Mrs. OC Art Blog and myself made it up to Bergamot Station and were able to catch the opening of new work by Leigh Salgado at Patricia Correia Gallery. Really loved the rose piece. The pic doesn't do it justice. Anyway, here ya go:Leigh Salgado Mat Gleason & Mrs. OC Art Blog Patricia Correia & Leigh ...

Soundwalk2008 is going down tomorrow, September 20th, in the LBC. Head down to the East Village Arts District and join in on the fun. I'm a sound art fanatic, so I think I've been down there almost every year since its inception. Always an interesting experience.--James ...

I think I was told by two people at two separate galleries that should catch this show. So I hopped on the BART down to the 24th Street station to go to Receiver. I don't know much about the artist, but I do like the work. The Flickr slideshow probably won't her art justice. So many small collaged elements.--James ...

Lydia Fong strikes again. S/he is currently having a show at RATIO 3 in San Francisco's Mission District. Nice installation by Barry McGee as always.--James ...

My friends and I thought that some of the works in this year's GLAMFA aren't as good as last year's. I don't know if anyone agrees. However, that's just our opinion. We did have a couple of favorites. Particularly the Paris internet meter. Hiltion of France. Well, you get the idea.--James ...

Bad news for the Grand Central Art Center, good news for OCC. Andrea Harris the excellent director who is responsible for so many great shows at GCAC over the last ten years as well as growing the Grand Central Press in respect and reach is leaving and will be taking the Director position at the new Frank M. Doyle Arts Pavilion at Orange Coast College.What this news means for GCAC remains to be seen. With tepid University and City support as of late maybe the...

Few Asian American films break out of the festival circuits. When one does it's always a cause for celebration. One of my favorites in recent years continues to be Charlotte Sometimes by Eric Byler.Ping Pong Playa is the new film by Jessica Yu. It's the story of a suburban slacker Christopher "C-Dub" Wang. Wang dreams of being a pro b-ball player, but blames his Chinese genetics for not reaching his goal.Wang's family runs a store selling all things ping pong, while his mom teaches the...

So this is where I ended up last night. In Santa Ana. I don't think I can do a night like this again for quite awhile. Four nights of art openings this week is a bit much if you ask me.So after OCCCA, my friends and I ended up getting some dinner at Memphis. The Pomona's Art Colonists ended up joining us for some conversations and drinks. Fun were had by all.--James ...

I'm a fan of Sameshima. Everytime I see his work I always think that they are really smart.The show is called Numbers II (Ode to Johnny Rio).Numbers is John Rechy's second novel. The hero is young, handsome, narcissistic Johnny Rio who, after three years away from the "scene," is impelled, obsessively, to return to the city of Los Angeles, there to test himself anew in the arena of male love. Johnny, who is seen as an angel of dark sex, is like a retired boxer--an...

I totally forgot that the new art season is upon us. When I arrived to Chinatown I was stunned that all the galleries were throwing openings.I have never particularly cared for Chinatown paintings. But I have begun to find some favorites over the past year or two.Amanda Church is currently showing at Jancar Gallery on Chung King Road.--James ...