The Hoff Foundation is pleased to announce the 1st quarter grant recipients. This quarters recipients are: Paul Paiement: $1,000 for material support for upcoming installation project at the University Art Museum at CSU Long Beach. Kurt Weston: $1,000 financial support for upcoming exhibit in the West Gallery at CSU Fullerton Amy Caterina: $1,000 for website development to accompany upcoming exhibit at Grand Central Art Center. Cheryl Cotman: $1,000 material support for new project; The Past and Future of Brains: An Artistic Inquiry into the Limits of Cognition Shakespeare Orange...

I had the best intentions I promise. I had a slew of photos for you documenting my visit to New York and the various fairs but unfortunately Mrs. OC Art Blog's camera, with my precious photos, is traveling around NYC somewhere in the back of a cab. So that means you're going to get my down & dirty summary of what I saw this weekend. The Whitney Biennial: I overheard a particular dealer state that the Whitney this year is not a survey of what's...

I was going to have lots of photos for you but it seems there's some wireless issues in my hotel so rather than spend all afternoon here I'm going to wait until I get back to post.So far I've been to Pulse and Armory. Lots of collage on view this season. It's everywhere. Both fairs were bigger than I thought they would be which always leads me to question, how do they survive. So much work out there, is anybody really buying all this stuff??Going...

First thing tomorrow morning I leave to NYC for a fun filled weekend of art stuff. I will be posting regularly so please stop back by. Many thanks to Dean Geleynse for hooking me up VIP style for the weekend. On another note. We'll be announcing the Hoff Foundation's first quarter grant recipients after I get back on the first. We'll be distributing $6K this quarter. I have to say we were overwhelmed by the response and the obvious need that is out there in our...

This Saturday night the crew at ISM: gallery will be opening their new show Shudder. The opening will run from 7-10pm and I'm sure there will be a big crowd. Celebrity Portraits to Personal Projects:Featuring the works of Jeremy & Claire Weiss, Patrick Fraser, Dan Monick and Michael Lavine. ISM: gallery presents, “Shudder”, highlighting the words and works of five relevant and prolific photographers that train their lenses on the world of celebrity, lending their vision to the commissioned portrait. “Shudder” celebrates these five photographers by presenting...

You want to know how to make an LA based art magazine successful? Add fashion. At least that's what the folks at Fabrick Magazine are going to attempt to do. The launch party will be on March 26th and you contact the folks at Fabrik for more details. Best wishes to the new endeavor. I look forward to seeing how it shapes up. ...

Today I went over to OCMA to check out the recent show Disorderly Conduct: Recent Art in Tumultuous Times. I searched and searched but could find no disorder. But kudos to this exhibit for capturing what's been going on in art since 9-11 and beyond. Boredom. Slick. Soulless. All this after catching this little piece on NPR this morning. You have to listen to this. At the end of the piece Henriette Huldisch co-Curator of this years biennial vomits a bit of art speak about the...

Just recently I was musing on my other blog that I was thinking a lot about NYC and low and behold I get a call from my friend Ed Giardina that he's giving a talk at NYU and was wondering if I wanted to tag along. Well that cinched it, I'm going. I'll have a chance to go here and here and here. Heck, I might even go to a fair or two. If anybody knows anything else we should do please let me...

It seems there's a bit of controversy in Boyle Heights over the planned mural by Long Beach based artist Sandow Birk. At first glance Sandow did seem a surprising choice for the mural and the location, but after digesting the story a bit I think a little controversy in public art is a good thing, because we all know that most public art is complete crap. Exhibit A...

Have no fear artists, the future is yours! Tomorrow I'll be attending a luncheon put on by Arts Orange County that will feature Dan Pink author of the recent book Whole New Mind. I've been a fan of Mr. Pink's since he wrote the book Free Agent Nation so I'm looking forward to this talk. In his new book he makes the argument that "the workplace terrain is changing yet again, and power will inevitably shift to people who possess strong right brain qualities." Looks good for...

This Thursday night from 7-8:30 pm Diana Ferrone Gallery opens a show of new work by Suzan Woodruff. You'll find Suzan's work on the March/April cover of art Ltd. Check it out. ...

The new Santa Ana based Digital Media Center will have it's first opening tomorrow night (Tues) from 6-9pm. The inaugural exhibit will feature 15 pieces from local digital artists including Jeff Alu, Rex Bruce, Pete Jackson and others. For more information about the DMC go here. ...

There's actually a few options this weekend if you want to get out about. Here's this weeks list: sanc-tu-ary opens @ J. Flynn Et Tu, Brute? opens at The Box There's also an Art Walk at the Santiago Art District in Santa Ana. Check it out. ...

Ran over to Cypress College last night for the Intersections/Alvin Gregorio opening. Here's some pics: Stephen Tompkins Juan Thorp & Brent Harada Juan Thorp P. Williams Cherri Wood Chris Ryniak Mike Park Alvin Gregorio       Painter Claire Daschbach in front of Kiel Johnson   Paul Paiement with Thinkspace's Andrew Hosner ...