Ran all over town on Saturday night. First stop was Chinatown to go see my friends in FS. Then ran down to Santa Ana to catch the Bob Pece show and watch David Lee give some money to the winners of the Santa Ana Business Council Art Grant. Then off to J. Flynn for the Ornament Show. Fun was had by all and here are some pics: Fringe Chris Csikszentmihalyi & Edmund Ming-Yipkwong from MIT's Media Lab They're maple seed pods falling in the pattern...

It's first Saturday again so that means Santa Ana will be the place to be, along with the Ornament Show at J. Flynn. Things to do include: The Santiago Bird Project will have it's book release party at Grand Central Art Center.  Really looking forward to the Bob Pece show at the Memphis Backroom Gallery. You'll be able to get your nude on at spaceonspurgeon's Naked: Figuratively Speaking show. The LA Assemblage Group opens at OCCCA Hope to see you out and about. Enjoy. ...

I don't normally post music stuff but I have been listening to the new Feist album non-stop since Chloe Flores turned me on to it while installing the final show at The Office. I thought I'd share. Enjoy: ...

Thought I'd let you all know about some additions to the blogroll. In the OC related sites please welcome: Suzanne from Emphasis Mine. It's seems Suzanne and I grew up in the same general area/era judging by this post and this post over at OCthen. I'd also like to welcome my friend James' blog Tri'phop Universe. He is younger and has much more energy then me so enjoy his frequent and informative posts on all things art & culture. I'd also like to welcome Greer's OC to the site....

This Saturday night the Ashley Eckenweiler curated Ornament Show Tree Trimmings II opens at J Flynn Gallery. The opening will run from 7 to 10pm. I will be there spreading some holiday cheer (that means standing in some corner) and will hope to see you there too. Lots of great artists participating. ...

Wanted to let you all know about a few OC related art events coming up in the LA area that will feature some of our better OC based artists. On Thursday night Mt. SAC College will open a retrospective of sorts for OC based artists Tyler Stallings & Naida Osline. This will be a great show by a couple of great OC based artists. Don't miss it. On Sat. night OC based instigators Finishing School open a new project titled Hegemonic Hybrids at Chinatown's Fringe...

I'm back from the great white north. I hope everybody had a nice holiday. I sure did. Here's a few pics from the trip and some of the highlights. Regular posting should resume shortly. The Vancouver Dance Biennial was going on while we were in town and we had the opportunity to catch a couple of performances. Amazing. The Vancouver Art Gallery was showing a Georgia O'Keeffe retrospective along with a couple of other very solid shows. We were very impressed with the space. Whistler...

I'm headed up to Vancouver for a few days to hang out and do some art viewing then off to Whistler for some early season skiing. No posting till after the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving everybody and I'm thankful you read this blog. Keep it safe out there. ...

In conjunction with the current show Birth Of Cool, this fall OCMA will be presenting a series of jazz concerts. Tonight kicks it off with a performances by Quetzal Guerrero and the Warriors with DJ Bobby Soul. The show will run from 6-10pm and it's free for members or $5 bucks for non-members. Have fun! ...

We're losing another gallery but instead of getting down about it Joseph And Chela Banuelos of Amorviejo Art Gallery will be going out in style. With a party! This Saturday night Amorviejo invited 30 artists to hang work which you will be able to buy off the wall with no gallery fees. There will be lots of wine and live music by Peanut. The opening will run from 7-9pm. Be sure to go say thanks to two class acts. I look forward to their...

Hey. I just realized that this blog is 3 years old. Wow. I need a life. ...

Sorry for the delay but last Sat. night I ventured out to the openings at @Space Gallery and J. Flynn. Here are a few pics:   Evan apRoberts at @Space apRoberts Wearable art. Joanna Grasso & Julie Lee Thomas Lee Bakofsky @ J. Flynn Matt Groller @ J. Flynn Seth Drenner Jeff McMillan Music. Good. Crowd ...

It's going to be a full weekend. Here's one more to check out. On Sunday from 2-6pm OMC Gallery in HB will open Names & No-Names in Photo History (Part One) Images from the collection of Rolf Goellnitz & RoxAnn Madera. There will also be a guest speaker on Sunday. Alan Griffiths from Luminous-Lint will give a talk during the opening. Don't miss it. ...

There's a few openings to check out on Saturday night. Have fun out there. Evan apRoberts opens at @Space Gallery The group show "This is The Strangest Life I've Ever Known" opens at J. Flynn Gallery   Honesty is The New Black opens at the ARTery.  ...