Sorry for the delay but thanks again to everybody that came out to the show on Saturday. It really came together beautifully. Some pics follow: Matt Lipps Artist Christine Nguyen The Office's Feb artist Mindy Cherri The Office's other Feb artist Joanna Grasso enView Gallery's Chloe Flores and Autumn Beck with artist Finley (middle) crowd shot ...

This Saturday from 2-6pm OMC Gallery in Huntington Beach opens Art Made in Germany. This exhibit will be an eclectic group show of German artists and artist who live in Germany. Featuring artists such as Florian Beckers (photography), Michael Burges (painting), Daniel & Geo Fuchs (photography) and Luise Unger (sculpture). Should be a great one. ...

This Friday is the opening of the annual free for all, otherwise known as Centered on the Center at the Huntington Beach Art Center. This is the show where all kinds of artists are hung salon style throughout the galleries. I have actually discovered an artist or two (including Christine Nguyen, most recently shown at the Hammer) at this annual show so it is definitely worth a look. I think the opening runs from 7-10pm. Call the center for more details. ...

Orange County's top live music venue otherwise known as OCMA will be showing some good art over the next couple of weeks. On Jan. 28th a Chuck Close Prints show opens. Also on Feb 3rd OCMA will pull out Chris Burden's A Tale of Two Cities so we can all have another look. I think you should all go and give them some positive reinforcement for showing some art without a band in the next room. (although I understand you have to do what you have...

After Chinatown we ran down to the Torrance Art Museum to catch Carol Es before her opening closed. All three shows at the museum were good and it was nice to spend some time with Carol bagging on the art world. Some really bad photos follow (sorry Carol): part of wall installation MJP & Carol the FS boys with Carl Berg TAM ...

Last night I loaded up the boys of FS and headed out for a long overdue night of openings. First stop was Doug Harvey's show at High Energy Constructs in Chinatown. We all know Doug can write but he sure can make some great art too. Be sure to see it if you have a chance. Some photos follow: Ran into The Office's March artist Adrian de la Pena out front. Doug Harvey Mark Dutcher, Diana Zlotnick & Tulsa...

Unfortunately we are losing another art venue here in Orange County. It looks like SolArt Gallery & Cafe lost their lease and will be shutting down. Their 3 year anniversary/Final show will be Jan 27th. Go show your support. ...

After a bit of a hiatus we continue our Pissed Off Artist series with this. Would OCCCA like to respond? ...

The instigators over at Finishing School have built a Blog. Go check it out. ...

On January 15th the first radio station dedicated exclusively to the visual arts will debut. Artscene Visual Radio based right here in So Cal will consist of news, interviews, exhibition reviews and other visual art related information and will attempt to prove that visual arts can succesfully translate to radio. Be sure to go to the website and give them a listen on the 15th. ...

Sorry for the lack of posts. I pretty much extended my vacation from blogging. It was nice. This weekend be sure to go catch the show of artist and blogger Carol Es at the Torrance Art Museum. A Girl Apart opens on Saturday night and will run from 7-10pm. All the info can be found here. Have a great show Carol! ...

Matt Lipps - Horses Jan. 20th to Feb. 16thReception for the Artists: Saturday, Jan. 20th, from 6 to 9pmThe Office is pleased to present Horses, new photographs and sculpture by LA-based artist Matt Lipps. Marking the artists first solo exhibition, Lipps takes to familiar materials with unfamiliar subjects—working in large-format photography and low-tech sculptural forms, he seeks to intertwine the two practices in an elaborate narrative using horses as his main protagonists.“The project started when I’d heard that my estranged Father had ‘Googled’ my name...

OK. I'm done for the year. See you in Jan. It'll be a busy month. artLA, PhotoLA and Chuck Close at OCMA. Stay tuned. Have a great holiday season and may 2007 be all that you hope it will be. Here's my Baldessari Xmas card. Cheers! ...

I know I'm a little late on this one since the show has ended but I had a chance to catch Laurie Hassold's show at GCAC and I have to say it was probably one of the best shows in OC this year. Very good. Some photos follow: ...