Add another to the list of things I'm bummed I'm going to miss (the opening atleast). This Saturday night from 7-10pm enView Gallery opens a show by San Francisco based photgrapher Aliza Violet. I'm sure it will be a great show and you all should go. I plan on catching it when I get back. ...

I'm leaving town for a couple of weeks on Saturday (Argentina/Uruguay) so I'm bummed I'm going to miss the CSULB Open Studios to be held on May 7th from 3-8pm. But you shouldn't miss it. They have a great website featuring all the artists and samples of their work if you can't make it. ...

Well Richard Serra is now officially in OC. I will try and get over there for some photos but it might be awhile. In the meantime you can get the scoop and some photos courtesy of Richard Chang at the OC Register Here. Enjoy. photo:Jeb Harris OC Register ...

Today Mr. Ed Giardina came by and picked me up and we ran over to the Brewery Artwalk. Fun was had by all. My feet hurt. Bad photos follow: The Brewery Ed & Mat Gleason of Coagula fame. Leigh Salgado Leigh Salgado Leigh Salgado Coagula LA Skyline Dawn Arrowsmith Roland Reiss Michael Salerno Mike Tracy York Chang ...

Thought I'd let you all know that I will be helping out for the innaugural fine art exhibition for this years annual Tour Des Artistes held in the East Village Arts District in Long Beach. The Tour Des Artistes held in June will be a day long art party with lots of music, food, people and of course great art. There's some great people attached to the project so I'm sure it will be a rockin event. Heading it up is Chloe Flores from enView...

Justin Edward Coffey from The OC Weekly paid a visit to The Office to review the Collinson/Christy/Robison show and writes about it Here. ...

Looks like the 909 is going legit. Welcome to the Inland Empire Weekly. Looks like you will be able to keep up with the many art happenings going on inland. First off is a review of Justin Huffman's show (scroll down) at Division 9 Gallery in Riverside. Check it out. ...

Jit Fong Chin over at Squeeze OC has a rare interview of Richard Pettibone here. The show runs until May 28th at LAM. Don't miss it. ...

In the spirit of continuing the sneak preview thing. Next month The Office will open Naida Osline's several year Polaroid project The Captiva Collection and we are also excited to introduce Jenna Gallemore's polaroids in our project room. I've wanted to do a Polaroid show for several years now so I'm fired up it's going to happen. More to follow I'm sure. Naida Jenna ...

Both Todd Gibson at FTF and Tyler Green over at MAN weigh in on Without Boundary: Seventeen Ways of Looking currently at MOMA on their blogs today. I haven't seen the show so I can't comment but I especially liked Tyler's Quote: At a time when it's important for Americans to engage more with the Islamic world, its history and its traditions --  and at a time when it's especially important for American institutions to show and share the humanizing power of art, pretty much...

The new Charles Long show "100 Pounds of Clay" at OCMA gets reviewed in today's LA Times. You can catch it here. ...

Ran over to Santa Ana today for lunch with Jacqueline Bunge and to catch the Delusionarium 3 show at GCAC. The tuna sandwich at Memphis is highly recommended and it's very nice to have the sun out again. Sunny art day Delusionarium 3 Marya Alford Tom Dowling in the back room of Memphis ...

Guy Kawasaki offered up some great blogging observations after his first 100 days of blogging. My favorite are the first two: 1. The more popular a person thinks he is in the blogosphere, the thinner his skin and the thicker his hypocrisy. This should be exactly the opposite: the higher you go the thicker the skin and thinner the hypocrisy. 2. The more a blogger uses the pronoun “I,” the less he has to say. Many bloggers apparently believe that people not only give a shitake...

Well we hit the three year mark. Thanks for coming out everybody and supporting the space. Hopefully we got three more years in us. Great opening tonight. Great work, great company. Some bad pics follow: Charleton Christy Charleton Christy Travis Collinson showing some love Collinson Collinson Collinson Jean Robison. My camera doesnt take good pictures of video work, sorry. OsCene Curator Jacqueline Bunge Laguna Art Museum Curator & Artist Tyler Stallings with the Office's May artist Naida Osline. Office May artist Jenna Gallemore Artist Courtney...

My Business Partner's annual charity event to help raise money for Children Today, who provide services for homeless children in Long Beach, is this Saturday night. You should go and all the info can be found here. I'll be there after the opening. ...