OC Weekend
Two things to do this Saturday: Mark Dutcher @ The Office Robbie Miller @ CSUF See you on Saturday and keep it safe out there. ...
Two things to do this Saturday: Mark Dutcher @ The Office Robbie Miller @ CSUF See you on Saturday and keep it safe out there. ...
Here's a great article on the current Painting in Tongues show at MOCA. It's mostly great because it mentions Mark Dutcher's show at the Office at the end of the article! Update: In regards to my earlier complaint Doug Harvey does say "While “Painting in Tongues” is largely successful in endorsing the idea that painting has this kind of potential, it isn’t hard to find equal or better exemplars of its curatorial premise out on the streets" Amen. ...
Hey! There's an actual art critique in the LA Times. Nice job Pagel. Nice to see someone not gushing over everything MOCA does. Haendel's what, 29?? Couldn't find anyone more deserving of the space. I have a list if you need one. Nothing against youth but we have some seriously good "mid-career" artists in the area that deserve exposure. ...
Before or after you come to the opening Saturday night at The Office be sure to go check out Robbie Miller (w/a little help from Jeff Foye) over at CSUF. The opening will run from 6-9pm at the East & West galleries. Details: This show will feature a series of videos that Robbie has been working on in collaboration with Jeff Foye.Conceptually, Jeff & Robbie have been focusing on the pageantry of the banal as a way to slightly alter how we entertain ourselves with games...
This Thursday night the Surf Gallery will be opening up the Kevin Kroushinsky Fundraiser which will feature a silent auction that will include many surf art stars and there will be a performance by pro skater and great musician Ray Barbee. The show will run from 5-9pm. Details can be found on their site. ...
Forget all the Getty hoopla. This is the real crisis in the Museum world. Go HB! ...
For this week's Photo of the Day I'd thought I'd share with you all Mrs. OC Art Blog's and my new ride. Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce to you the "Phat Limo". Yes, we are now ready for many summer beach rides. First ride will kick off tomorrow. Wish us luck. ...
Ran up to Culver City today to meet Mark Dutcher and pick up the work for his show that opens this Saturday at The Office. (mark your calendars) While there I snapped a few photos. I thought I'd give you a little sneak peek/virtual studio visit. Enjoy: The entrance Mark & work Tools of the trade More work. Show Opens Sat. from 6-9pm. Hope to see you there! ...
Sandow Birk's latest show at GCAC made the cover of the OC Weekly. Rebecca Schoenkopf has all the details here. Side Note: There's also a great article on the legendary HB club Safari Sam's that took me down memory lane. The last time I was there, or at least remember being there a riot broke out after a D.I. show. Chairs were flying everywhere and lots of HB's finest showed up ready to pummel anyone in their way. ahhh...
Looks like we have at least one opening this weekend. This Saturday night from 6 to 8:30pm Arden2 will open US Love Affair, an exhibition originally shaped as a reaction to the art community's lackadaisical attitude to the war in Iraq. US Love Affair will feature Stuart Bailey, Allie Bogle, Jonathan Hollingsworth, Robert Kozek, Joanna Szupinska, Brenna Youngblood, Jed Smith and DJ Synethete. The show will run through March 3rd. ...
I don't know how many readers of this blog have subscriptions to magazines directed at Buddhists (slow news day) but has anybody else noticed how Buddhist mag's have been kicking up the art lately?? This month's Tricycle has the Starn Twin's on the cover and old YBA'er Gary Hume inside and this Winter's Buddhadharma has both Nam June Paik and Hiroshi Sugimoto. Thought I'd point that out in case you were tired of the regular mag's and wanted some great art and the opportunity...
Yeah I know it's a Hallmark Holiday but I would like to wish Mrs. OCArtBlog a very special day and I would like to wish all you loyal readers a happy one too. All we need is love...
Well I finally got around to watching How To Draw a Bunny the great documentary on the life and art of the most famous unknown artist Ray Johnson. This one gets the double snap approval rating. Lots of great cameo's by the likes of Chuck Close, Christo, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, etc. Ray Johnson was one interesting cat. Check it out now if you haven't seen it yet. It gives you faith in the idea that marching to the beat of your own drummer is...
Had a great time in Pomona on Saturday night. It seemed like it was long Beach night out there. Lot's of LBC folks running around. It was great to see lots of friends and meet some new talent and much credit needs to be given to Jena over at Oneleaf for making a space available for artists to get their work out there. Plus she's really nice. If you haven't done the second Saturday in Pomona it's worth the trek. Some photos follow: Jena McRoberts ...
I'm biased but it looks like Pomana will be the place to be this weekend. I've never done the Second Saturday Artwalk in Pomona before so I'm looking forward to seeing what's going on out there. Looks like there will be a lot to see. If you find yourself out there on Saturday night be sure to drop in on the show I'm in at OneLeaf. ...