Miami Bound
Posting will be light until next week. The OC Art Blog is Miami bound. Who knows, maybe some Jesus Toast will end up in the Rubell Family Collection. ;) ...
Posting will be light until next week. The OC Art Blog is Miami bound. Who knows, maybe some Jesus Toast will end up in the Rubell Family Collection. ;) ...
Tonight I made my way over to CSU Fullerton with the Santa Ana Seven where they were asked to give a lecture/slide show detailing their history and some background on their projects, including the most recent one at The Office. They asked me to come along and give a little history on the space and our mission. It was an opportunity to plug both the Office and the Blog. It was quite the blast, the seven did a great job. It was good to be...
Heads Up: Subject Matter Gallery is moving to The Lab/Anti Mall. Their opening party will be next weekend. Beware of Tools. Details follow: Know False PaintingsMay 7th 2005 (6pm - 11pm) Subject Matter Gallerys grand opening at the LAB anti mall The opening reception for "know false paintings" Featuring art work by: Tyke Witness, Krush one, Rich uno Fashion show by NIKITA starts at 8:30 Music all night by: DJ Willow, From elsewhere, DJ Japson Free give aways to the first 100 people thought the door ...
Sound artist Noah Thomas, who will be opening a sound art installation at The Office in June, will be part of the experimental and improvised music series this Wednesday at Open in Long Beach. The event starts at 8pm sharp so don't be late. @ Open 144 Linden Ave. (at Broadway) 562-499-OPEN Featuring: Noah Thomas, Jeffrey Roden, The Choir Boys, Missincinatti ...
Is the Government the best organization to be doing our arts funding. Did anybody notice the downsizing of the Arts Council budget, other than a few art bureaucrats? Do we really need a new tax in California? Discuss amongst yourselves. Via AJ: A New California Arts Tax? A member of the California state assembly proposes a dedicated tax to support the arts. "The bill calls for imposing a 1% surcharge on arts and entertainment admissions — a dime for a $10 movie ticket, about 53 cents for...
Well we celebrated our 2 year anniversary last night and man was it a blast. I would like to thank the Santa Ana Seven for putting on a great show and for all the artists, curators and art fans who have supported the space over the last two years. Here's to the next two! As for last night...
Went to the HB Art Center Friday night to meet Ed Giardina of Finishing School and pick up the work I won in the silent auction that was part of the Detours show. All proceeds went to support the defense fund for Critical Art Ensemble. Ed and I were also there because we were asked to help judge the local High School District art show (one of the high schools included was the one I was thrown out of...
The Newport Beach Film Festival is about to start and one of the entry's will be a profile of Guerrilla artist Ron English. Matt Coker covers the latest here. ...
Rebecca Schoenkopf visits OCCCA's "Get it off your chest" exhibit and writes about it here. (check out the gams on that art critic) ...
Well I've been called out by Jessica over at Insurgent Muse to participate in the Caesar's Bath meme going around. The deal is you list five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can't really understand the fuss over. To use the words of Caesar (from History of the World, Part I), "Nice, Nice. Not thrilling...
Just a reminder that OCMA has ongoing opportunities to get your art education on. For example the next few weeks offers a couple of great artist talks/lectures: Irving Blum: Revisiting Ferus Apr 23 - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Director of the famous Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles from 1957 to 1966, Irving Blum was one of the most influential art dealers of his time, giving many important artists their first exhibitions. At this special lecture and discussion, Blum recounts personal anecdotes and inside observations about...
Fall of Empire: A Glass Installation by Einar and Jamex de la Torre Curated by John Leighton opens This Saturday at the Main Art Gallery at CSU Fullerton. Details Follow: April 12 through May 14, 2005 Opening Reception: 5-8 p.m. Saturday, April 16, 2005> Fall of Empire: A Glass Installation by Einar and Jamex de la Torre is an exhibition in two parts: a sampling of over 40 of the artists’ artworks from the past ten years and a site-specific installation that provides a humorous and, at...