OCMA will be presenting it's March Crush this Thursday night. Details follow: March CrushMar 17 - 6:00-10:00 p.m. Live music by Arkham, Film screening of Yeah Right (2003) Girl Skateboard Company, 74 mins. Directed by Spike Jonze and TY Evans. Hot Chocolate (2004) Chocolate Skateboard Company, 53 mins, Directed by Spike Jonze and TY Evans. Skateboard demos in the Orange Court by Vans skate teams ...

Hope to see you there. Details follow: Beatriz da Costa, a collaborator with CAE and Assistant Professor at the University of California Irvine, will be delivering a lecture at the Huntington Beach Art Center concerning the unjust criminal case against Dr. Steven Kurtz, a member of the artist collective Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 7:30p.m. The lecture is a part of HELP CAE, a project included in the exhibition “Detours” presented by Finishing School that addresses the unjust criminal case against...

This Saturday will be the final show for the OOTS group in their current space. Hopefully they'll set up shop somewhere else soon. Details follow: Join the OOTS  core group of  7  and guest artists Ruxandra Isai, Thomas Broersma, Doug Kingsbury, Ryan Ward, Megan Ford, Justin Ireland, Ian Bragg, John Hagen, Rando, and Santi Sundara. Once again…. Live music!! Porkchops and Applesauce, the drum and bass duo (no kids, a real drum and a real bass) will be performing a live set starting at 10:30pm. DJ...

Mrs. OC Art Blog and I hit a couple openings tonight that are highly recommended. First we made it over to the Laguna Art Museum for the Paul Paiement and Hidden Treasures opening and then caught the Detours show at the HB Art Center. I have to say both shows were great but the HB Art Center show was quite the hit. It was great to see a comprehensive show on artist collectives here on the west coast and in HB of all places. Mass MOCA has...

This weekend after you have made your appearence at the Hidden Treasures and Paul Paiement opening at the Laguna Art Museum and then travelled to the HB Art Center to catch the opening of Detours. I'm sure you'll be able to squeeze in a visit to North OC, otherwise known as Long Beach. First stop should be to Viento y Agua Gallery's 15 Minutes of Fame Film and Video Festival: The festival starts at 7PM sharp. Tickets at the door are $7 Saturday, March 12th...

Wanted to mention that tonight the very nice Carol Es opens a show at Highways in Santa Monica. Go out and support a fellow blogger. ...

I was able to escape some meetings yesterday and make my way over to the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center. The Dallas Museum was showing the Robert Smithson retrospective that had just left LA and it was good to see it in Dallas. Call me crazy but as I was walking through this show I kept thinking of the Dieter Roth retro that MOMA showed last year. They both tackle entropy and decay and they both had that mad scientist thing going....

This Saturday night is going to be busy. Can't wait to see the new show opening up at The Huntington Beach Art Center this Saturday. Ed, Brian And Xtine of the art collective Finishing School will be part of a show that will examine artist collective practices and their motivations. Also participating will be Survival Research Laboratories and The Center for Tactical Magic. The show will open Saturday with a panel discussion from 6-7pm and then run from 7-10pm. Finishing School has set up a store where...

I'm in Dallas but will be trying to post periodically. When we were in Paris late last year we caught a show at a new contemporary art space called the La Maison Rouge where they had rebuilt collectors living rooms, bedrooms ,and bathrooms and re-hung their collections just as they had them at home. It was a great exhibit, you should see some of the great art work people hang in their bathrooms. Anyway, this weekend is an opening I will definitely be attending. The Laguna Art...

It looks like Santa Ana is going to be the place to be this weekend as the Artists Village holds another one of it's first Saturday art walks. Jeff Koegel (image), Dana Lovell & Pamela Grau Twena open at OCCCA. You still can catch Rosemary Covey & Kit Kube at Grand Central. Diane Edwards & Diana Teran Blaisure open at Diseno Gallery. Color Blind, work from Brian C. opens at Scribble Theory. and don't forget "Uprising" this Sunday in HB. Have a great weekend! ...

Thought I'd let everybody know that we have our own little Ansel Adams show opening this coming Monday at the Old County Courthouse in Santa Ana. Ansel Adams - Inspiration & Influence will also feature work by other very well known photographers including, Dorothea Lange, Edward Stieglitz & Edward Weston. It's been awhile since I had to be in a courthouse but now I think I got a legitimate reason to go back...

Rebecca Schoenkopf ventures north of the Orange Curtain to review the Donald Kuspit curated show at Gallery C. All the details can be found here. Even OC is showing LA more love than our friends to the East. Now do you like her Beautiful Losers review?? ...

In preperation of the Detours show that will be opening at the HB Art Center next Saturday (more about that later). The Center for Tactical Magic will be hosting "Uprising" this Sunday in Huntington Beach. If you enjoyed Joel Tauber's work in this years California Biennial this should be right up your alley. All the details can be found here. UPRISING! is a community kite-making project that invites participants to design and build their own kites with a message they wish to communicate from up high....